What does being queer mean to me?

What does being trans mean to me?

What does being authentically and uniquely me mean to me?

Who are the folx my chosen family? What do I love about them?

What does it mean to have queer ancestors? What does it mean to have spiritual, cultural or intellectual queer ancestors?

Who are your queer ancestors? How do you honor your queer ancestors? How do you connect with your queer ancestors?

What are you grateful for in this moment?

What I love most about the holidays is…

I am grateful for my chosen family because….

Write about something that made you laugh.

Write a letter of appreciation to your younger self.

Write a letter of appreciation to your future self.

Make a list of your favorite affirmative notes or positive affirmations.

Make a playlist of songs that remind you of your awesomeness or power.

Make a playlist of social media (tik tok, IG, meta, etc.) videos that inspire, empower and motivate you.