I am doing my best. My best is good enough.

I am who I am suppose to be.

I will not change for anyone.

I love and accept myself.

I am grateful for the people in my life who love and accept me.

I am worthy of love and understanding.

I speak my truth unapologetically.

I am held in love by my chosen family.

I am able to hold multiple truths at the same time.

My breath is my anchor.

I am my queer and transcestors wildest dreams.

I am surrounded by the love and support of my chosen family.

I choose me.

I trust myself.

I am open to the wisdom that unfolds when I try something new.

I honor my grief.

I am protecting my energy by saying no.

I respectfully honor my needs by affirming my commitment to truth telling.

I tell the truth as an act of individual and collective care.

My queer and trans ancestors are guiding me through this difficult moment.